I love these girls!
Here, at McKenzie Hansen Photography, we pride ourselves on the sheer VOLUME of pictures we take. Because why stop at 30 or 40 images like most "sane" photographers when it's so much more exciting to be slammed with HUNDREDS of them? It's not because we are afraid we'll miss the perfect smile, it's because we love your kids so very much that we just assume you want a picture of each tiny little look on your loved one's faces. We just figure that if 30 pictures are great, then 130 pictures is absolutely FANTASTIC! Yes, we take a lot of pictures. We also preview a lot of pictures - so be prepared - there are some enormous "preview" posts on the way!
Okay, so I have to admit it - I'm a one person gig here, and obviously suffering from a little "sleep deprivation," but I hope you can understand why it takes me a dang week to post some previews and then a couple of extra days on top of that to finish it all up for proofing -- because I'm a tiny bit over-booked, over-enthusiastic, and under-rested. I just don't think I can help it - when I get a camera in my hands, and give me free reign with a couple of cuties like these little girls, I have to shoot 'til the sun goes down! I've taken these little darling's pictures a few times, and I just get so excited each time! Can you blame me? This post is huge, but it's only because there are so many pictures that had my heart. Here's a few of them for you to see, "C", but I'll get the rest up tonight or tomorrow!
Aren't they just destined for greatness?
I tried to make it a fun session, and I think they enjoyed themselves a little bit!
Girls can climb trees, too.