
Kaley's Bridals

Okay! They are ready! I'm only showing the close-ups -- just in case Keysto checks in here! The rest of the images are ready through the proofing on the website - so go look! Kaley, you look gorgeous. Your dress is amazing, and I'm so excited to shoot your wedding!


RufflesAndFringe February 5, 2009 at 6:05 PM  

I want to be able to take pictures like you when I grow up! I just found your family blog through my link that you have up. The pictures are beautiful and amazing.

About This Blog

I want to thank all of my beloved clients! It's been such a fun thing to get to know all of you year after year. I can't begin to describe how much I love taking your pictures! I treasure all of you and I am so grateful to be able to do something I love to do!


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